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Monday, October 22, 2012

5 for Five Link-Up!

It's Monday, so let's see how I did on my goals for last week...

1. Work out every day this week -  I worked out six of the seven days last week. Total success! 
2. Clean all the floors and ceiling fans in the house - I cleaned all the floors... but not the ceiling fans. I was halfway there.
3. Go to a Haunted House - Mr. Duh and I had a date night and went out for dinner and went to the haunted house. The 13th Floor was pretty decent. I've seen worse... but it was a fun date night!
4. Get all my school reading done - I finished my five chapters of reading and some of my homework, too. Yay!
5. Finally send out the "Thank You" cards for all my birthday gifts - Nope, I slacked off and didn't do this one. I did buy the Thank You cards, though. Does that count for something?

I guess that's 3.5 out of 5... that's not too bad, right? Maybe I'll do better this week!

Here are my five goals for this week:

1. Vote early - I'm leaving town next week and better get my vote on... or I won't be voting at all!
2. Carve Pumpkins for our front porch - Every year, Mr. Duh and I have a pumpkin carving night, but we have seriously been putting it off this year.
3. Clean the ceiling fans - See last week's goal.
4. Start gathering research for my Business Law Paper - I have a 10-15 page research paper due at the beginning of December, and I'd really like to get a jump on it. I usually wait until the last minute and it comes back to bite me in the butt.
5. Purge my closet - Since we are moving next year, I need to start getting rid of a lot of things... and I need to start with my closet! It's time to get rid of those things that I don't wear anymore. 

What are your goals this week? Head over to Fantastically Average and link-up!


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